Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Are You Yourself ?

This is just a quick blog to those people out there that aren't the most confident of people.
 I've had life quite easy because I haven't really ever gone through anything major. I'm not here to brag at all but I had a great childhood and have never been bullied so I never really understand how people can become depressed over things.  I have a few friends that are scared to tell people things, afraid to stand up for themselves. Which is hard for me to understand because I'm quite a confident person.
One friend in particular puts herself down all the time because she doesn't look the same as someone else, or doesn't have the same figure as someone else. What she doesn't understand is that we all look different for a reason, I find that you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else, because if god wanted us to be the same he would of made us all the same. Everyone's unique and it takes a while for people to understand that.
If you have boy troubles, if you think your not good enough because you don't think your pretty enough, or skinny enough then your wrong. Don't think that just because your different that your not good enough  Your fine the way you are. If your not happy the way you are then change it otherwise you might have to deal with it. ''Don't Be A Girl That Needs A Man, Be A Girl A Man Needs''.
If that person really likes you then they will accept you for who you are. But if they are embarrassed to be with you then they're not worth it. If that person doesn't like you because your not the 'barbie perfect' type then it's their loss.
Don't change for anyone, and be confident for who you are.
Much Love x

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