Monday, 26 August 2013

The Liebster Award

I have been nominated!
Hello Everyone! Today is a pretty special day as I have been nominated for The Liebster Award by the lovely Chloe Francis. So thanks again to her for nominating me!
The Leibster Award is aimed for new bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and it helps people to discover new blogs, so you can build up a wider audience.

The Rules of The Liebster Award:
1) You must link back to the person that nominated you
2) You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you
3) You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers
4) You must come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5) You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees

Questions from Chloe Francis ..

1) You are only allowed to use one beauty product for the rest of your life - What is it?
It's a tough question but I would have to choose concealer because it is my best friend. It covers any imperfections, and wearing concealer alone, makes my skin look a lot more flawless. It just does the job I need it to do, and I couldn't live without it.
2) Where is your favourite holiday destination?
Portugal by far! I go there every year and it is just amazing, the weather is beautiful and the desinations on the Algarve we go to are gorgeous.
3) What is your favourite music album right now?
I've been loving all different types of songs recently, so I would have to say 'Now That's What I Call Music 85' because it features so many different varieties.
4) What was the first ever makeup product you owned?
If I remember rightly, when I was about 10, I got an eyeshadow set full of pink and purple colours.
5) What made you start blogging?
I had been watching Zoella, Tanya Burr and SprinkleOfGlitter on YouTube, and I had been reading their blogs for a while, and I thought it was a good idea to start one myself because it looked like a fun hobby and I quite like makeup and beauty related things.
6) Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
Hopefully doing something to do with the film/tv industry, whether it's infront of the camera, or behind the camera.
7) Where is your favourite place to shop?
For clothes, I would have to say Topshop, and for beauty products I would choose Boots.
8) What is your favourite movie?
My all time favourite films are the Harry Potter collection or LOL.
9) What is your favourite type of clothing?
Either Topshop, or atmosphere in Primark can have some very nice things.
10) The deal breaker question... Cats or Dogs?
I have to say Dogs because I'm allergic to Cats.
11) One random fact about yourself?
My random fact is that I'm not ticklish.

Bloggers I have Nominated for the Award:
1) Jessie
2) Chloe
3) Carolyn
4) Evie
5) Emily
6) Holly
7) Hester
8) Jade
9) Annie
10) Lynn
Questions that I am asking:
1) What is the one beauty product that you can't leave the house without?
2) Favourite Makeup Brand?
3) Why did you start a blog?
4) How did you come up with your blogger name?
5) Favourite makeup product?
6) Who is your biggest inspiration?
7) What kind of style do you have?
8) What is your favourite season?
9) What is the most expensive makeup product you own?
10)  Who is your favourite beauty blogger?
11) Share one beauty tip?

Thanks to anyone who votes for me, and thanks to anyone who takes time to read my blog and a huge thank you to anyone to comments. 

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